Sunday, 19 August 2012

This week is all about big pants, we have to wear them at least once a month for practical reasons but do they have to be so nasty. The answer is NO! Get a pair with a lot of lace as these will look more appealing and slightly more revealing. Sex is the last thing on your mind when your having your period but it's always on your partners mind, so get some decent pants cause you never know if he's going to take you from behind and the biggest turn off would be big cotton granny knickers.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Feeling frumpy

As this is my first blog I will keep it brief (pardon the pun). We all feel a little frumpy at times whether its a bad hair day or your favourite jeans now make you look fat. The best way to combat these feelings are to dress up in the bedroom. Nothing boosts your ego more than your partner getting horny just by looking at you, and if your wearing some sexy underwear then he is sure to get there quicker. So why not check out and pick up a few items for the bedroom.